寄人皮下 正片

6.0 推荐

分类:恐怖片 美国 2023







《寄人皮下》是乔·林奇  导演,演员由海瑟·格拉汉姆  犹大·刘易斯  芭芭拉·克兰普顿  布鲁斯·戴维森  乔纳森·斯卡奇  克里斯·麦基纳  J..  主演的一部超级经典的恐怖片片,该剧讲述了:

  Just days ago, Elizabeth Derby (Heather Graham) was a successful psychiatrist with a loving husband and the world at her fingertips. Now, she finds herself locked up inside a psych ward after the murder of a young male patient to whom she had an inexplicable, almost otherworldly attraction. Hoping to clear her name, Elizabeth confides in her doctor and recounts what happened, giving way to a bizarre and disturbing tale of sexual madness, supernatural horror, and homicidal rage. The deeper the story goes, the more unhinged and carnage-laden life becomes, not just for Elizabeth but for everyone in her path.
  In this cinematic love letter to the late, great horror filmmaker Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator, From Beyond), the go-for-broke indie veteran Joe Lynch provides an unpredictable and delightfully perverted gift to fans of everything from erotic thrillers to body horror and H.P Lovecraft-minded cosmic mayhem. Written by Re-Animator scribe Dennis Paoli, produced by ‘80s horror maven Brian Yuzna (Society), and co-starring Re-Animator MVP Barbara Crampton, Suitable Flesh will be catnip for those who like their horror equal parts classically minded and progressively unclassifiable.


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