无耻之徒第五季 更新至第03集

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分类:欧美剧 英国 2008



《无耻之徒第五季》是大卫·斯瑞弗  导演,演员由大卫·斯瑞弗  阿隆·麦克卡斯克  杰拉德·基恩斯  主演的一部超级经典的欧美剧片,该剧讲述了:A drunken call of nature on a generator turns just another night out for Frank into a nightmare.  At hospital he's told that tests show he has a heart condition and may not make it to the weekend.  With these words ringing in his ears, he sets out to drink and drug himself into a stupor, only to be visited by his younger self and challenged to answer the question What is the point of Frank Gallagher  On one of his regular trips home from university, a little bit of Lip's other life makes an unwelcome appearance in Chatsworth, throwing Mandy into uproar and culminating in a knock-down, drag-out fight in The Jockey with shocking consequences.  Elsewhere on the estate, Lillian proves to be quite the madame when she settles on an unconventional way to turn her spare rooms into a little extra cash.

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